Coaching is not hugs, rainbows, and kumbaya.
(Although I’d say those are pretty wonderful things we could all use more of, wouldn’t you?)
First and foremost, coaching is a relationship. Coach and client build simultaneous trust at the client’s pace based on the client’s needs. There is no “one size fits all” solution – and a professionally trained and certified coach comes armed with a huge assortment of skills to help each client on their path to learning what makes them tick, who they are becoming, and taking meaningful action.
Professional coach training and certification is also essential for peace of mind – governing organizations exist to ensure coaches are capable, confident and are following a clear code of ethics that guide the coaching relationship.
Remember: you are the expert on your own life – a coach’s job is to thoughtfully work with you and propel you through a creative process to maximize your personal and professional potential.
How will we get there?
- Conscious Choice – an individual is the captain driving their own life’s boat
- Fulfillment – Living in harmony with your values and moving towards your dreams
- Engagement – being completely immersed is crucial to actually being in the full experience of your life