“I have never before even thought of seeking a life coach, in fact I had hardly any idea of what a life coach could do for my life. I knew deep down that I wasn’t happy in the current situation of things that included work, relationships, and my own personal life goals. To make a long story short, I have never had a clearer perspective on my life now, and definitely have a new lease on life. Her ability to be patient, responsive, supportive coupled with a genuine desire to help have helped me direct my life forward.  You can’t bring the best out of someone else until you bring the best out of yourself.”


“I had a surprise glimpse of myself in a new light that I suspect came as a result of what we did together. It has had a continuing impact on me and was very powerful….[Anne is] very insightful and a gentle prodder… very non-judgmental and accepting.”

-L. Frewing

“I had never thought to see a personal coach until I met Anne Whitmore. In hindsight I have had many coaches throughout my life: a piano coach, a violin coach, volleyball and golf instructors. I’ve been a coach myself as a tutor and volleyball coach and the goal was always to become better at whatever it is you do. The biggest difference in listening to Anne is that she doesn’t “fix” you (that would mean something’s broken), but that she will help you become a better person whether it be career wise or relationship wise or whatever it may be.

Anne has given me clarity over my short and long-term career goals in a way I would have never approached myself. She has given me insight as to the dynamics of my personal relationships as well as the ability to address stress with… less stress.

I look forward to working with Anne in the future and encourage anyone that would like to become a better person to speak with her.”

-Dr. Joehel Blanca

“It was with great pleasure that I am writing this letter of recommendation regarding Anne Whitmore. I was referred to Anne by a friend, and had the pleasure of meeting with her recently for a life coach session.

Unaware of what a life coach does, or what if anything I would take from the session, I was unsure as to how the session would go. However, upon meeting Anne, I found her to be professional, warm and welcoming. Anne explained clearly her commitment to confidentiality, what her role as a life coach is, as well as what could be expected during the initial and subsequent sessions. As well, she provided reassurance that life coaching does not just apply to professional or financial goals, but that any topic was appropriate.

Throughout the session, I found Anne to be supportive and positive, providing feedback without being judgmental or critical. She exudes an incredible sense of calmness and peace, as well as making you feel motivated and inspired to move forward, all of which I carried with me long after the session ended.

Overall, I was excited that I had the opportunity to meet with Anne and participate in a life coaching session. As previously stated, I found her sense of calm and positive energy incredibly contagious, motivating and inspiring. I would definitely recommend Anne to anyone looking for help with organizing and clarifying their goals, or is simply looking for some extra inspiration and motivation in their life.”


About Apples to Oranges Decision Making Package

“Have you ever had to make an important decision that you just couldn’t wrap your mind fully around? I had that experience recently. The challenge was that the decision involved multiple options with a lot of unknowns. 

When Anne Whitmore of Divafish Communications suggested we do some coaching, I was game despite thinking I might just succeed in frustrating her with my “I don’t know”s and “I’m not sure”s.

Anne’s first step was to get a general idea of my dilemma, background on my options, and thoughts thus far. She then brought out a chart and asked me to list off some important factors in my decision-making process. After we felt I had a complete list, she had me compare only two factors at a time. What great practice this was for small steps in decision-making! A big task divided into bite sizes.
This chart ultimately lead to a number of ranking for each factor. Which factors were most important to me? The chart showed me. Some pieces surprised me, but when I gave it some thought, they were right.

Another chart in a Excel spreadsheet this time allowed me to compare apples to oranges.

I now have something I can work with in making my decision. It helps organize my feelings into something I can understand.

 I work with mind-body connections in my practice, but my heart and mind were seesawing me back and forth over this decision. Thank you, Anne, for helping me have my heart and mind work together.


-Dr. Melissa Carr, B.Sc., Dr.TCM